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Cheap Flights to Ecuador

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Weather in Ecuador
Ecuador lies on the equator on the west coast of South America. It includes three distinctive climatic regions: that of the coastal plain, a mountainous central region, and lowland in the east. The coastlands experience high temperature and humidity year-round. The rainy season is from December to April. The northern coast receives up to 2000mm and the southern as little as 200mm. Temperatures are lower in the Andes due to altitude. Quito has a climate of "perpetual spring" with warm days and chilly nights and little variation in temperature throughout the year. The eastern part of the country at the foot of the Andes is low-lying and has a typical hot, wet, tropical climate with rainfall distributed throughout the year.
CLOTHING: lightweights and rainwear throughout the year. Warmer clothing in the higher elevations. Acclimatization problems may occur due to high altitude.